Effluent Treatment Plants

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ETP Plant stands for Effluent Treatment Plant, is a process which is designed for treating the industrial wastewater for making it reusable or safe discharge into the nature. It takes untreated industrial wastewater as influent and after treating it generates the effluent as a result of treated industrial wastewater. During the treatment process it also separates sludge.
Here, are some of the major industries which need to implant Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) to purify the waste water before it gets discharged are:
1. Automobile industries
2. Food and processing industries
3. Electro Plating Units
4. Hospitals &
5. Laundry Units
6. Dairy and Beverage industries


AUTO MOBILE INDUSTRIES effluent consists of many pollutants like Free Oil & Grease (FOG), Surfactants & Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). There can be some particulate matter also as a result of floor washing water getting mixed with care wash effluent.
A treatment for this effluent is at best tricky & treatment scheme needs to be decided carefully.
The treatment depends upon the treatment goals which can be described as below:

  1. Effluent discharge to Sewer
  2. Effluent recycle for Car wash


  • The treatment scheme in first case would entail FOG removal, COD reduction to achieve values well below the statutory limits and TSS removal for polishing. The scheme can be a Oil & Grease trap before the Effluent Storage Tank (Equalisation
    Tank) – DAF – AOP- PSF – ACF.
  • For recycling of water, Ultrafiltration unit would be needed to remove all the suspended matter instead of Filters.


Today, there are many hotels and restaurants which contribute substantial amount of wastewater/effluent. Hence, treatment of hotel sewage using ETP is essential in order to reduce the spread of disease causing pathogenic organisms in the effluent and to prevent the pollution of surface and groundwater. Treatment of waste water is carried out by a combination of physical, chemical and biological
methods to remove suspended solids, organic matter and some nutrients from effluent/wastewater.


During the cleaning of laundry, a highly polluted wastewater is discharged into municipal sewer network. Effluent characteristics depend on washing machine and its use.
Except for domestic users, there are two principal kind of laundries type : commercial and industrial.
Commercial laundries often work in self- service mode (no personal needed) wile industrial laundries are specialized in large users service such as hotels, restaurants, canteens, hospitals, nursing homes etc. for washing table linen (tablecloths and napkins), linen, working clothes or hospital.


Electroplating wastewater means the wastewater that comes from the surface plating operations. The metal is dipped in an electroplating solution of various types of metals and then rinsed. It originates from washing, rinsing, and batch dumps.


Characteristics of wastewater generated from hospitals are similar to the domestic waste water, but a proportion of the HWW contains toxic / non bio degradable / infectious pollutants. The hospital effluents contain a large variety of substances used for medical laboratories, research purposes, and also include excreta from patients.